Bessette Creek Bank Restoration

Project Overview:

The Bessette Creek is located in Lumby, BC and supports at-risk kisúʔ (Coho) ntityix (Chinook) populations. Bank erosion is a common problem in the watershed and contributes large amounts of sediment into the watercourse, which degrades downstream fish habitat. Furthermore, areas of erosion lack overhanging riparian shade cover which contributes to higher stream temperatures during the summer.

Project Goals:

Bank restoration was conducted in November 2021 at two sites where large, exposed banks exist. Large woody debris and boulder structures
were installed into the banks to provide protection as well as cover habitat for fish. Tops of banks were re-sloped to a more natural grade to
allow greater dissipation of flow energy and promotion of vegetation growth.

Project Documents:

Bessette Creek Bank Restoration

Project Media:

Project Progress/Status:


Project Location:

Bessette Creek, Lumby, BC

Project Team:

Project Lead

Brenley Yuan, Fisheries Biologist, ONA

Project Partnerships:

This project was a collaboration between the Okanagan Nation Alliance, Okanagan Indian Band, and the Farmland Riparian Interface Stewardship Program (administered by the BC Cattlemen’s Association). The project was made possible by funding from the Coastal Restoration Fund administered by Fisheries and Oceans Canada